Studieren in der Regio Bodensee
Internationale Bodensee Hochschule

Computer and Information Science


Universität Konstanz
Universitätsstr. 10
D–78464 Konstanz
T: +49 (0)7531 / 88 - 3636


4 Semester


The Master’s programme in Computer and Information Science at the University of Konstanz focuses on methods and systems to visualise, analyse, explore and process large volumes of data.

The greatest challenge in knowledge management consist of finding, analysing, exploring and visualising the data in large information spaces, such as economic data, demoscopic data, geographic data, medical data, multimedia systems, quality assurance data, automotive navigation systems, personal information management to name a few. The Master’s course in Computer and Information Science at the University of Konstanz is geared towards the computer-assisted processing of large volumes of data and is designed to provide students interested in the development of complex information and analysis systems with the requisite knowledge.These systems feature a combination of automatic data analysis procedures and interactive visualization. Ensuring that this type of systems is both technically feasible and user-friendly requires a thorough grasp of a variety of methods and technologies from different branches of computer science: information system development (e.g. algorithms), visualization (e.g. computer graphics), data analysis (e.g. data mining) and interaction design (e.g. usability engineering).


Master of Science (M.Sc.)


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